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Sunday, 19 May 2019

New video by Doreen Virtue on YouTube

I NEVER thought I'd be making this video!
When you type "New Age to Jesus" in the YouTube search, dozens of testimonial videos pop up. Most of these videos begin with people saying, "I never thought I'd be making a video like this!" We are all surprised to be Christians, because we didn't plan this and many of us used to judge Christians. Yet we are now Christians because Jesus pursued us. Jesus is calling his lost sheep, and we are listening. There are SO many of us leaving the new age, leaving cults, leaving agnosticism and atheism, and leaving lukewarm Christianity right now. If Jesus is calling to YOU, please follow him. #Christian #testimony #evangelism

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New video by Your Youniverse on YouTube

Listen ONCE & UNLOCK your true POWER | Guided Hypnosis Meditation (Wear Headphones) | 3D Experience Ready to command your reality? (WAR...