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Thursday, 16 May 2019

New video by Doreen Virtue on YouTube

Why She Left the NAR Church: Tara's Testimony
Tara left the new age to follow Jesus, and unbeknownst to her, the church she began attending had new age elements. The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) churches have psychic readings (they call them prophecy), a focus upon self instead of Jesus, and other troubling issues. Here are links to the videos, groups, and books we mention during this interview: Holly Pivec’s book about NAR: Holly Pivec’s book about the “apostles and prophets” of NAR: American Gospel Documentary about how the “prosperity gospel” is harming us all. Available to rent or buy at: Tactics by Greg Koukl, a manual of how to effectively share your faith with others: Hell’s Best Kept Secret free online video with Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron: Fighting for the Faith free online videos, teaching you how to avoid false prophets: NAR Heresy Watch closed Facebook group to learn how to avoid new apostolic reformation teachings (Note: you have to answer questions to apply for group membership) #Christianity #heresy #NAR

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