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Monday, 27 November 2023

New video by Your Youniverse on YouTube

Sacred Secretion Activation - “Activate the Seed” Guided Meditation | Pineal Gland | Kundalini
Sacred secretion activation – “Activate the Seed” Guided meditation for pineal gland activation of the cerebrospinal fluid and the Christ within. By popular request, this is the seed activation guided meditation mentioned in my previous video regarding the "sacred secretion". In many spiritual traditions there is a sacred secret that is associated with the concept of spiritual awakening, enlightenment and awakening the kundalini energy. Although this sacred secret is known by different names within different spiritual practices, commonly referred to as the "sacred secretion" or “pineal gland activation”, it bears a repeated theme in each of these traditions: Jesus Christ is within you - God is within you! (It is also known as "raising the chrism" and "spiritual rebirth".) The Bible was manipulated so that this was kept a secret. Here I offer you a guided meditation to activate this process within your body, raise the Chrism oil (also known as kundalini awakening) and activate your pineal gland so you can tap into your God Self! πŸ”΄ My Black Friday Sale for my subconscious mind reprogramming course ➡️ πŸ”΄To purchase the MP3 of this activation (40% OFF thru today only): The videos mentioned: πŸ”΄ The Sacred Secret Part 1: “It Happens to Your Pineal Gland Every 29 ½ Days" (Eye Opening!) πŸ”΄ The Sacred Secret - “It’s time to activate your God Self” | Pineal Gland Activation The Moon Calendar: #pinealgland #bible #secret #christ #kundalini ✅ FREE CLASS & MEDITATION: (Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind) ➡️ Check out my links below πŸ‘‡ for advanced manifestation techniques & tools that move you into a positive state! ✅ Subscribe to our community (weekly videos): ALL OF MY LINKS ➡️ πŸ’₯ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST ➡ (binge-watch this) Video Production/Content Copyrighted by Your Youniverse Channel More Your Youniverse law of attraction and mind secret videos πŸ‘‡ “It Already Exists!” Reality Shifts Once You Do THIS "The mirror principle" - Reality shifts when you change this Hypnosis to Unlock the Power of Your Subconscious Mind for Manifestation (Guided Meditation) Master this & the universe will give you everything you desire "Real Magic" - How to influence the quantum realm & reality with your mind "The Mandela Effect" These examples will make you question EVERYTHING in your reality Once you open your third eye, reality bends in your favor | “INSTANT THIRD EYE ACTIVATION”

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Monday, 20 November 2023

New video by Your Youniverse on YouTube

“It Already Exists!” Reality Shifts Once You Do THIS
“It Already Exists!” Reality Shifts Once You Do THIS What you want already exists in the realm of infinite possibility and potential. In the law of attraction, the word “manifest” actually represents bringing into existence something that is ALREADY available. Find out how to use subconscious mind reprogramming and your mind power to shift reality in a way that brings into manifestation all that you desire. πŸ”΄ My Black Friday Sale for my subconscious mind reprogramming course ➡️ πŸ”΄ The "How to reprogram your subconscious mind" playlist mentioned: (binge-watch this) ✅ FREE CLASS & MEDITATION: (Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind) ➡️ #spiritual #reality #shift #subconsciousmind #manifestation #mindset #lawofattraction Check out my links below πŸ‘‡ for advanced manifestation techniques & tools that move you into a positive state! ✅ Subscribe to our community (weekly videos): ALL OF MY LINKS ➡️ Video Production/Content Copyrighted by Your Youniverse Channel More Your Youniverse law of attraction and mind secret videos πŸ‘‡ The Sacred Secret (Pt 2): “It’s time to activate your God Self” | Pineal Gland Activation It Works - This 1926 book taught me how to manifest reality "The mirror principle" - Reality shifts when you change this Hypnosis to Unlock the Power of Your Subconscious Mind for Manifestation (Guided Meditation) Master this & the universe will give you everything you desire "Real Magic" - How to influence the quantum realm & reality with your mind

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Monday, 13 November 2023

New video by Your Youniverse on YouTube

The Sacred Secret (Pt 2): “It’s time to activate your God Self” | Pineal Gland Activation
The sacred secretion, cerebrospinal fluid, and the Christ within. (Pineal Gland Activation Process Inside) ✅ FREE CLASS & MEDITATION: (Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind) ➡️ In many spiritual traditions there is a sacred secret that is associated with the concept of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Although this sacred secret is known by different names within different spiritual practices and is also commonly referred to as the "sacred secretion", it bears a repeated theme in each of these traditions: Jesus Christ is within you - God is within you! The Bible was manipulated so that this was kept a secret. Here I reveal the process to raise the Chrism oil (also known as kundalini awakening) and activate your pineal gland so you can tap into your God Self! #pinealgland #bible #secret #christ #kundalini πŸ”΄ The Sacred Secret Part 1: “It Happens to Your Pineal Gland Every 29 ½ Days" (Eye Opening!) ⭐ For more information on this topic: 33rd Degree Knowledge – Secret knowledge “hidden in plain sight" (Eye Opening!) ➡️ The Moon Calendar mentioned: The post instructions mentioned: Check out my links below πŸ‘‡ for advanced manifestation techniques & tools that move you into a positive state! ✅ Subscribe to our community (weekly videos): ALL OF MY LINKS ➡️ πŸ’₯ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST ➡ (binge-watch this) Video Production/Content Copyrighted by Your Youniverse Channel More Your Youniverse law of attraction and mind secret videos πŸ‘‡ Once you open your third eye, reality bends in your favor | “INSTANT THIRD EYE ACTIVATION” "Time Travel" - Bending time with your mind to manifest what you want (faster) “Switch Words” How to Unlock the Power of One Word Manifestation Quantum Jumping Hypnosis (Guided Meditation) to Shift to a Parallel Reality & Manifest FAST! Quantum Jumping: How to Shift to a Parallel Reality & Manifest Fast!

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Monday, 6 November 2023

New video by Your Youniverse on YouTube

11 Reasons why you keep seeing 11:11 and 1111 (+ Angel Number meaning)
Discover 11 reasons why you keep seeing 11:11 and 1111 (as well as the angel number meaning). ✅ FREE CLASS & MEDITATION: (Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind) ➡️ Have you ever glanced at the clock and noticed the time is exactly 11:11? Or maybe you've seen the number 1111 repeatedly in various places, such as license plates, phone numbers, or even in your dreams? If so, you might be experiencing a powerful phenomenon associated with the law of attraction, manifestation, and signs from the universe. With the date of 11/11 just around the corner, I’ll explore the significance of the number 11 11, how it relates to these intriguing concepts, and why the number 11 (eleven) holds importance and synchronicity in various contexts. #lawofattraction #1111 #spirituality #manifestation #numerology #tarot ✅ Links and videos mentioned in this video: 1111 22 Meaning: Triple “Master Number” Day (How to use “1111” 22 energy) 11:11 1111 Meaning: Why You Keep Seeing “1111” & “11:11” (And How to Use It!) 1111 Meaning - The Awakening Code & How to Use the Energy of “1111” & “11:11” Angel Numbers and Their Meanings (111, 333, 444 & More Decoded) Why You Keep Seeing These Numbers "1111" Hz Master Frequency Meditation + OM 108 Times! ("11:11" Ascension Gateway) 1111Hz Frequency Meditation Music Receive Messages From the Universe Check out my links below πŸ‘‡ for advanced manifestation techniques & tools that move you into a positive state! ✅ Subscribe to our community (weekly videos): ALL OF MY LINKS ➡️ πŸ’₯ BEST LAW OF ATTRACTION // SUBCONSCIOUS MIND PLAYLIST ➡ (binge-watch this) Video Production/Content Copyrighted by Your Youniverse Channel

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New video by Your Youniverse on YouTube

Listen ONCE & UNLOCK your true POWER | Guided Hypnosis Meditation (Wear Headphones) | 3D Experience Ready to command your reality? (WAR...